Sunday, December 20, 2015

6 Benefits of Prayer

6 Benefits of Prayer

Regardess of your religious beliefs or spiritual inclination, the act of praying can  have profound benefits on your physical and psychological health. It is an effective tool for self empowerment, because it increases your ability to think intropectively. Prayer facilitates your potential to: clear emotional baggage, open your heart, count your blessings, prioritize, realize your purpose, set goals and manifest intentions. The power and positive effect of prayer is real; anyone can do it, and it only takes a few minutes a day.

You might ask, "who shall I pray to?". At the risk of sounding blasphemous, my answer to that question is, "It doesn't really matter".  You can pray to: a god, an angel, an ancestor, your higher self or inner sage, the universe, the stars, a tree etc.. The point of this article is that there are practical benefits aside from your personal faith. Even an agnostic or athiest can realize the benefits of a few moments of quiet internal thoughtfulness, listing their worries and then setting them aside to clearly focus on positive goals with a hopeful heart.

The 6 Benefits of Prayer

When you put yourself in prayer mode, you are stepping out of the hustle and bustle of the day for a few minutes of solitude, a couple nice deep breaths and some quite reflection. This, alone, can reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

Praying helps you to look inward and take personal inventory. As you reflect on the days events, situations, social circumstances or interpersonal relationships etc... see what tools you might need in order to be more effective. Maybe wisdom, assertiveness, or compassion could make things go smoother. An honest appraisal will always provide motivation for self improvement and personal growth. 

Prayerfully sorting through a personal problem, or  troublesome situation that has been gnawing away at you, is quite liberating. This is the time and place to get things off your chest so you can sort out the trash from the treasure and clear a space for solutions to your problems. Mentally releasing negative emotions that you are harboring towards yourself or others brings a great cleansing relief.

Young children in Guatemala are traditionally given a tiny box filled with little dolls, each the size of a matchstick. They are called worry dolls, and their function is to act as a storage space for worries. Each night the child is instructed to hold the dolls while telling each one his/her worries. When all the worries have been told, the dolls are placed back in the tiny box and the box is tucked under the pillow  so the child can sleep peacefully. Sometimes we have worries and we hold on to them; our mind constantly mulling them over. This is not healthy. It can actually exacerbate the problem and cause stress, anxiety or depression. Prayer is a great place to list all your worries and leave them, while you take a break. Often they will sort themselves out, or an inspiration will strike that will lead to resolution. When you manage to take a mental break from carrying your worries, you will find that you are happier and more light hearted.

Counting your blessings is the best way to pull yourself out of a negative mindset and lift your spirits. A heart full of gratitude will open the doors to more blessings. Keeping yourself in a positive frame of mind contributes to greater happiness and deeper fulfillment. So, give thanks!

Making a wish or a request helps to identify the things in life that are most important to you; the things you  hold dear to your heart. This is the root of your motivation; the aspiration that shapes your life's purpose. Your wishes become goals and plans. Prayer helps you to mentally organize and prepare for your goals. By clearly stating your intention, you set the wheels of the universe in motion. In turn, when you act in accordance with your prayer by striving to attain these goals, the wish becomes a tangible possibility.

Set aside time each morning and night to exercise the power of prayer in your life and watch your blessings unfold. You are sure to feel more grounded, calm and positive.

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